VAT Audit

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Value Added Tax (VAT) has been implemented by the UAE Government in early 2018 and it has been matured to a wide extent now in UAE. Organizations are filing their quarterly VAT returns to Federal Tax Authority (FTA) either by themselves or via external consultants. Organizations are becoming increasingly concerned for the information submitted to FTA in VAT returns as FTA has started auditing the Accounting and VAT records of entities in the year 2019 as per the UAE Law. Organizations wants their records relating to returns to be reviewed by professionals to ensure that they are VAT compliant and will not incur losses in the form of tax related penalties from FTA prescribed in the VAT law and guidance provided by Ministry of Finance in United Arab Emirates.
Here comes the role of Virtual Accountants (VA) VAT Audit experts. Our experts have provided the VAT review and Audit services to a wide variety of clients and are well equipped with the expertise and knowledge required to perform the service. Our VAT Audit methodology is as follows: